## [t3_mrjoij](https://www.reddit.com/r/emsurvival/comments/mrjoij/subreddit_introduction/) This resource is created by targets, for targets of electromagnetic assaults, directed energy weapons, and neuroweapons aka psychotronics. CliffsNotes in hierarchical outline format, on staying alive and well, while being targeted by deniable, covert technologies, that civilian accessible institutions widely assume to be mental illness. The information is this chapter is intended to be a high level overview for readers that have never been targeted or have little knowledge about the scope of electromagnetic capabilities and psychological warfare toolkits. Current technology is being used to continuously harass and abuse individuals, and this subreddit is intended to provide relief via educational resources and understandings of the meta game. --- submitted to [r/EM Neuroweapon Survival Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/EM Neuroweapon Survival Guide) by [u/rrab](https://www.reddit.com/user/rrab)